Our Mission
Student-organized and directed, but welcoming the participation of all blockchain enthusiasts, the Society intends to:
Demystify—in an accessible, supportive, and inclusive environment—the fundamental technical principles, and sometimes-confusing terminology, of blockchain and cryptocurrency, and correct popular misconceptions surrounding these technologies;
Investigate the range of, and relationships among, the emerging legal, regulatory, and cultural issues spawned by the proliferation of these practices;
Explore the ways in which blockchain and cryptocurrency are migrating into the daily processes of many law firms and individual lawyers;
Examine effective methods by which lawyers can not only teach themselves but also educate colleagues and clients, about these rapidly-evolving areas;
Develop, and curate an annotated list of, recommended digital and hard-copy resources;
Host a speaker and discussion series featuring students, faculty, staff, practitioners (including WCL alumni), regulators, coders, entrepreneurs, and investors;
Encourage participants’ preparation, publication, and promotion of written analyses (blog posts, opinion pieces, commentary, and articles of different lengths), and live or recorded presentations, that demonstrate a facility with these issues and enhance their professional portfolios;
Identify related externship and/or employment opportunities with law firms, companies, agencies, public interest and advocacy groups, and other organizations; and
Connect with, and support the creation of, counterpart groups at other law schools and universities.